Have you ever made a mistake and changed permissions of the folder and all it’s subfolders? And how to change back permissions of files/folders to default state ?
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Have you ever made a mistake and changed permissions of the folder and all it’s subfolders? And how to change back permissions of files/folders to default state ?
In a previous article called “Install MongoDB on Centos / RedHat“, I introduced how install MongoDB using binary package. In this article, i’ll introduce you to install MongoDB using yum command. The first, you need add the appropriate repo. Login root and type the following command # vi /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb.repo
MongoDB (from “humongous”) is an open source, high-performance, schema-free, document-oriented database written in the C++ programming language. The database is document-oriented so it manages collections of JSON-like documents. Many applications can thus model data in a more natural way, as data can be nested in complex hierarchies and still be query-able and indexable.
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