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Monitoring A System With Sysstat On CentOS

by lifeLinux on November 26, 2010

The Sysstat package contains utilities to monitor system performance and usage activity. Sysstat contains the sar, iostat, mpstat,… utilities, common to many commercial Unixes, and tools you can schedule via cron to collect and historize performance and activity data. In this topic, i’ll explain how to monitor a system with sysstat on CentOS.

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Linux Runlevels

by lifeLinux on November 23, 2010

Runlevels define what services or processes should be running on the system. The Linux operating system can make use of runlevels through the programs of the sysvinit project. After the Linux kernel has booted, the init program reads the /etc/inittab file to determine the behavior for each runlevel. Unless the user specifies another value as […]