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Have you ever made a mistake and changed permissions of the folder and all it’s subfolders? And how to change back permissions of files/folders to default state ?


Today, I got following MySQL error in a PHP application: Host ‘host_name’ is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with ‘mysqladmin flush-hosts’. It means that mysqld has received many connection requests from the given host. Default max_connect_errors value is 10, that is remote host will be blocked if there is more than 10 connection […]


Auto Backup Server Files & MySQL To FTP Server

by lifeLinux on August 23, 2011

This is a simple script take to daily backup server files and MySQL databases to FTP server. Make sure you have lftp client installed. Type the following command if you are using Centos/Fedora/RedHat # yum install lftp


If you have very large mysql database then it is very hard to backup and restore using the conventional phpmyadmin or any other programs. In this Tutorial I will explain you how to backup and restore a larger database. This tutorial can be used while moving your database from one server to another.


Reset The Root Password Of MySQL Server

by lifeLinux on November 24, 2010

By default, MySQL server will be installed with root account and password is blank. If you have set the password for root and forget it, then you will need to reset the root password for MySQL.

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Q. How to make multiple updates using a single query in mysql ? A. Using CASE & WHEN commands to solve it.