chkconfig Command

by lifeLinux on November 23, 2010

chkconfig provides a  simple  command-line  tool  for  maintaining  the/etc/rc[0-6].d  directory  hierarchy by relieving system administrators of the task of directly manipulating the  numerous  symbolic  links  in those directories.

chkconfig has five distinct functions: adding new services for  management,  removing  services  from management, listing the current startup information for services, changing the  start-up  information  for  services, and checking the start-up state of a particular service.


chkconfig --list [name]
chkconfig --add name
chkconfig --del name
chkconfig [--level levels] name <on|off|reset>
chkconfig [--level levels] name


List status for all services

chkconfig --list

List status for test service

chkconfig --list test

Add service called test

chkconfig --add test

Delete service called test

chkconfig --del test

Turn on & Turn off service

chkconfig --level 3 5 httpd off

The command above will turn off httpd service in run levels 3 and 5.

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