RedHat / CentOS 32 Bit Support 4GB Or More RAM ( Memory )

by lifeLinux on May 23, 2011

If you are running RedHat / CentOS 32 bit and have 4 GB or more RAM use the Linux kernel compiled for PAE capable machines. Your machine may not show up total 4GB ram with 32 bit architecture servers. All you have to do is install PAE kernel package.

What is PAE ?

Physical Address Extension (PAE) is a technology which allows 32 bit operating systems to use up to 64 Gb of memory (RAM), something which is normally achieved by switching to a 64 bit system.

The Linux kernel includes full PAE mode support starting with version 2.3.23, enabling access of up to 64 GB of memory on 32-bit machines. A PAE-enabled Linux-kernel requires that the CPU also support PAE.

How to install PAE kernel?

Type the following command as root

# yum install kernel-PAE -y

Just reboot the server and make sure you boot with PAE kernel

# shutdown -r now

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