Anti SYN Flood with IPTables

April 21, 2011

#!/bin/sh # A simple shell to build a Firewall anti SYN Flood # Under CentOS, Fedora and RHEL / Redhat Enterprise Linux # servers. # —————————————————————————- # Written by LongVNIT # (c) 2009 lifeLinux under GNU GPL v2.0+ IPT=”iptables” MODPROBE=”modprobe” IF=”eth0″ IP=”″ PORT=”22 80 443″ CHECK_TIME=60 BAN_TIME=120 HITCOUNT=10 MOD=”ip_tables ip_conntrack iptable_filter ipt_state” # Load Module […]

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Error compiling PHP on CentOS x64

April 19, 2011

configure: error: xml2-config not found. Please check your libxml2 installation. yum install libxml2-devel.x86_64 configure: error: Cannot find OpenSSL’s yum install openssl-devel.x86_64

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SUID, SGID and Sticky Bits

March 27, 2011

What are the SUID, SGID and the Sticky Bits? Sticky Bit Lets start with Sticky bit first. Since this is the most simplest to explain. Setting the sticky bit tells Unix that once the concerned application is executed, it should remain in memory. Remember that Unix is a multi-user OS and was mainly designed so […]

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How To Install Rootkit Hunter

December 3, 2010

Rootkit Hunter (rkhunter) is a Unix-based tool that scans for rootkits, backdoors and possible local exploits. It does this by comparing SHA-1 hashes of important files with known good ones in online database, searching for default directories (of rootkits), wrong permissions, hidden files, suspicious strings in kernel modules, and special tests for Linux and FreeBSD.

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Install XAMPP on Linux

December 2, 2010

XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use – just download, extract and start. The distribution for Linux systems (tested for SuSE, RedHat, Mandrake and Debian) contains: Apache, MySQL, PHP & PEAR, Perl, ProFTPD, phpMyAdmin, OpenSSL, GD, Freetype2, libjpeg, libpng, […]

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Monitoring A System With Sysstat On CentOS

November 26, 2010

The Sysstat package contains utilities to monitor system performance and usage activity. Sysstat contains the sar, iostat, mpstat,… utilities, common to many commercial Unixes, and tools you can schedule via cron to collect and historize performance and activity data. In this topic, i’ll explain how to monitor a system with sysstat on CentOS.

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How To Install PHP on Centos

November 25, 2010

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is a widely used, general-purpose scripting language that was originally designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. For this purpose, PHP code is embedded into the HTML source document and interpreted by a web server with a PHP processor module, which generates the web page document. As a general-purpose programming […]

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