Posts tagged as:

rsync command

There are a lot of people do not know what these variables and how they can be used , this Variables exist in php.ini file , the php.ini file isĀ containsĀ settings PHP on server , and for each variable in the php.ini file have a special role and can be disabled and activated with ON and […]

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Rsync With A Non-Standard SSH Port

by lifeLinux on August 23, 2011

How do I tell rsync to use a different port for SSH ? # rsync -av -e “ssh -p [port_number]” user@ip:/path/to/source/ /path/to/destination/


Load balancing helps provide redundancy to your website. However, one often asked question is how to keep your content synchronized on each server. If you put a new web page on one server, how does it get copied over to the second server? In this article, i’ll explain how to use rsync command to synchronize […]


How To Copy Hidden Files On Linux

by lifeLinux on November 23, 2010

Q. Is there an easy way to recursively copy all files include hidden files in a directory to another directory? A. Using rsync command is a better solution.