To clear shell history, type the following command:
$ history -c
Or remove .bash_history file
$ rm -rf ~/.bash_history
Turn off shell history
To turn off shell history for all users, type the following command as root
# echo "unset HISTFILE" >> /etc/profile
To turn off shell history for a specific user, type the following command
$ echo "unset HISTFILE" >> /home/USER/.bash_profile
Display shell history
To display shell history, type the following command
$ history | more
Sample outputs
74 exit 75 cd /etc/samba/ 76 ll 77 vi smb.conf 78 exit 79 cd /home/ 80 dir 81 cd cassandra/ 82 dir 83 cd conf/ 84 duir ...
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it is great. i came to learn something here.